
Catechumenate Program:  The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) is the process that brings the unbaptized and those baptized in another Christian denomination into membership with the Catholic Church. R.C.I.A. provides formation in the faith through prayer, attendance at Mass, the sharing of our faith journeys, and instruction in the Faith. This journey is punctuated with liturgical Rites throughout the process.

Together with St. Lawrence, St. Teresa, St. William, and Resurrection Churches, we have established a collaborative approach to Christian Initiation. Although we may be sharing our instructional (catechetical) sessions with each other, the Rites will be celebrated in a person’s respective parish.

We welcome you to be a part of the process of R.C.I.A. with instruction on Thursday evenings in the Fall and completion at the Easter Vigil in the Spring. If you do not have a sponsor, parish members serve as sponsors and catechists for those seeking to enter the Church. If you are interested in becoming Catholic or serving as a sponsor for either parish, please contact Fr. Scott Morgan at 513-921-9200 x105 or email him directly at smorgan@stteresa-avila.org.  

Although we know that RCIA is for those going through the process to become Catholic, have you ever thought of it as an opportunity for continuing education?  In 24 Sessions Fr. Scott and guest presenters will cover 4 main topics: Beliefs of the Catholic Church, Liturgy, Sacraments, and Morality. Classes are held on Thursday evenings at St. Teresa of Avila from 6:30-8:00 p.m.  The RCIA program is open to all in our Family of Parishes so please let your family and friends know as well as those interested in becoming Catholic!