Tithe.ly is an online giving platform that works through the mobile app, or through our website. It will accept any major payment option you prefer to use. Tithe.ly charges a small fee per transaction, and is variable depending on the method of payment you choose to use (see the costs to the right). We would kindly ask to consider the following when donating through Tithe.ly:
- Set up Tithe.ly with your bank account rather than with a credit card – the fee is much cheaper using this method!
- If a credit card is used, Tithe.ly charges more to use AMEX. Consider using another card.
- Consider selecting the “Cover card processing fees” – this will help the Church by receiving the full amount of your intended donation.
To give, click the button above or download the app! If you are at St. Lawrence, it will find our church through your location. Thanks for your gift, and God bless you!
For more information, visit www.tithe.ly.
Processing Fees