Corpus Christi Procession
Join us in our 24th annual Corpus Christi procession from St. Teresa of Avila Church to St. William Church. This year our procession is sponsored by the Westside Catholic Familly of Parishes: St. Lawrence, St. Teresa of Avila, St. William, and Resurrection of Our Lord. The celebration begins with a prayer service at 2:00 p.m. at St. Teresa followed by …
Divine Mercy Sunday
Join us on Sunday, April 16 for Divine Mercy Sunday at St. Lawrence Church from 2:00-4:00 pm for Prayer, Adoration, and Confession.
St. Lawrence PTO Fish Fry
St. Lawrence PTO Fish Fry 3680 Warsaw Ave. Heritage Hall (under church) Remaining Dates: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm on March 17, March 24, March 31 Dine In – Carry Out – Drive Thru Call 513-921-4230 to place a carry out order; pick up inside or at drive thru
New Mass, Adoration & Confession Schedule
Please see the NEW Mass, Adoration, and Confession schedule for the Westside Catholic Family of Parishes: St. Lawrence, St. Teresa of Avila, St. William, and Resurrection of Our Lord. This schedule will begin on Thursday, February 23, 2023.
Queen City Catholic BEHOLD is being held at St. Teresa of Avila on October 28. Young adults, plan to join us for an evening of Eucharistic Adoration, Confession, and praise & worship, followed by an after-party with food, drinks, and fellowship!
Parish School of Religion is open to all in our Family of Parishes for children in grades 2-8 not attending Catholic schools. Classes are held on Sundays at St. Teresa from 8:15 – 9:25 a.m. Confirmation preparation for grades 7-8 began September 11 but there is still time to register. All other grades begin October 9. All children are welcome! …