
Catechumenate Program:  The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) is the process that brings the unbaptized and those baptized in another Christian denomination into membership with the Catholic Church. R.C.I.A. provides formation in the faith through prayer, attendance at Mass, the sharing of our faith journeys, and instruction in the Faith. This journey is punctuated with liturgical Rites throughout …


Get your passports ready! Fr. Scott Morgan is teaming up with Fr. Kyle Schnippel and friends at St. Charles Pilgrimages, to offer our Family of Parishes a 10-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land! Our pilgrimage is scheduled for October 8-17, 2023. The cost is $3,995 per person, which is an all-inclusive price for the trip. To register, or for more …


The Catholic Faith, On Demand, features the best Catholic content all in one location. St. Lawrence has a parish subscription and parishioners are encouraged to create their own accounts. Visit www.formed.org, scroll down to the middle of the page and enter our parish code: FF6CTE and click submit. You will then be able to create your own “FREE” account.

Wedding Aniversary

Are you celebrating a major wedding anniversary? Married couples celebrating a significant wedding anniversary (25, 40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 75) in 2022 are invited to request a congratulatory certificate from Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr. These certificates will be mailed to you from St. Lawrence. In order to receive one of these certificates, you must contact the Office for Marriage …